Let us target the cause of your pain and injuries here at The Shockwave Therapy Clinic UK, and not just your symptoms!
Here at the Shockwave Therapy Clinic UK, we pride ourselves on always giving people the best treatment we can possibly provide in every session they have with us. We take great satisfaction on doing our upmost to get the best results we can achieve for every individual.
When possible, we always try our hardest to combine treatment types within our sessions. As we are one of the few clinics in the UK that can offer state of the art Storz Myofascial release, Radial Shockwave and Focused Shockwave therapy - it enables us to provide people with a much more in-depth, effective and advanced treatment, which will generally lead to much faster and improved outcomes as a result.
We have a vast amount of experience in the MSK world of helping an abundant of people of the last two decades and have fantastic customer feedback satisfaction due to us always giving our upmost to every patient in every session.

Customer satisfaction is always our main priority!

Here are a few questions we get asked at The Shockwave Therapy Clinic UK.
If you want to know any more information or to make an appointment to come and see us then give us a call, send us an email or use the get in touch form on our contact page.
We may be in clinic with patients but we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Start your road to recovery with us today!
Does Shockwave Therapy Hurt? What Does It Feel Like?
Shockwave can definitely feel uncomfortable, but the amount of pressure is controlled and catered to every person's individual needs. The area becomes numb very quickly making it more manageable as the session progresses.
Focus Shockwave is only felt when it is directly on the site of injured tissue and we advise patients that it isn't necessary to feel more than a 6/7 out of 10 pain.
How Many Sessions Will I Require at The Shockwave Therapy Clinic UK?
A minimum of 3 sessions of Shockwave Therapy is usually required to have any major benefit as Shockwave works on an accumulation process. Shockwave generally has a maximum of 6 sessions and on average most people generally require 5 sessions in total here at The Shockwave Therapy Clinic UK.
Why Is Focused Shockwave Therapy More Expensive?
Focused shockwave delivers 10 x the energy to damaged tissue compared to radial. It is generally regarded as less painful and often requires fewer sessions. Pain relief is often instant. The technology is highly expensive and the best on the market. Focused shockwave works, even when radial may have failed. It is in a class of its own and is the best of what we offer. Although it appears more expensive, it can fix an issue very quickly.
Does Shockwave Therapy Clinic Have A Privacy Policy?
Yes, of course, you can read through The Shockwave Therapy Clinic UK Privacy Policy by clicking here.